TV, Fires, & Rib Roasts

I killed our tv last night.
I don't think it was a conscious action, but maybe I did it subconsciously, tv being the great evil of our time and all. I had already done some damage to it last year. (Note the tape on the back of the tv in the photo.) Anyway, the tv was sitting on a rolling stand, and I was trying to roll it into another room, but instead I just knocked it over and killed it. We don't have cable or anything, and we only used it to watch movies, so it's not a horrible loss, but I guess eventually we'll have to break down and buy a new one. If we don't, I'm sure Catri will harangue us about it endlessly. She loves to rent movies.
In other news, we hosted Midtown Church's monthly fellowship/party at our house last night.

It was great fun. We put a fire in the fire pit in our back yard and many of us hung around outside, eating s'mores and talking and laughing. There were also folks inside, so we had quite a lot of people Chez Rothnie. Many of them commented on how beautiful our house looks now. Evelyn House-Stager, we salute you!

Today we did some grocery shopping and bought stuff for our Thanksgiving dinner (which we're celebrating on Wednesday, since that's when we have Catri.) Mark and I decided that we're really not big fans of turkey and we would rather have a roast instead, so we went to the store and told the butcher that we needed a rib roast that would feed about 8 adults. He gave us what appears to be a quarter of a cow and it cost us $60. Shortly after we got home we had buyers' remorse. I mean, SIXTY DOLLARS for a hunk o' meat for one meal! The turkey would have cost us about $15. Why oh why are we such food snobs?? Anyway, we'll have a great Thanksgiving I guess. We'll probably be gnawing on the bones for a few weeks afterwards, since we won't be able to afford to buy food again for a while.
Finally, just a little editorial note: I added a photo of Dani, Mitzi, and myself from our dinner Thursday night to my previous post. Check it out if you're interested.
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