The coming week

Last night we had my friends Mitzi and Dani over. Mitzi and Dani were my "posse" from before I met Mark and before I started coming to Midtown church. Even though I've been married over a year now, Mitzi still hadn't had an opportunity to really talk to and get to know Mark, so I had the girls over last night. Unfortunately I think Mitzi STILL hasn't had the chance to get to know Mark, since the conversation devolved into us three girls talking about clothes and stuff. Poor Mark. He endured it well.
Tonight we go on a double date with Mark's friend from work, Roger T and his girlfriend Joyce.
Tomorrow night we host Midtown's monthly "fellowship" (read: party) at our house.
Sunday night of course we have our weekly "Life Group" meeting at our house.
Monday night is our only night "off".
Tuesday we may go up to see the Signorinis in Jasper.
Wednesday night we celebrate Thanksgiving with Catri (since Catri will be with her mom on Thanksgiving day.)
Whew! That's alot going on! Mark and I have toyed with the idea of packing up the Element and going camping for a few days over the Thanksgiving weekend. That still may be a possibility. We'll see ...
Weather has definitely turned cold and it was hard to get out of my nice snuggly warm bed this morning. My tummy's getting big and my poor stomach muscles are all stretched so much that every time I make a sudden turn in bed I get this pain like I just pulled a muscle. Plus my hip joints have been KILLING me at night. I have to sleep on my side now - no stomach or back sleeping - and it's been hurting my hips like I have arthritis or something. Evidently, from what my midwife tells me, it's simply my joints loosening up, getting ready for labor. This morning was a good morning, though. Just a little wrenching when I rolled over is all, so I stayed in bed a little longer than usual. Sometimes though the pain is unbearable and the other morning I finally just got up at 4 AM and read for a while.
By the way, I'm reading Lord of the Rings. I'm halfway through The Two Towers right now.
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