Wednesday, October 26, 2005


We hired a real estate agent (Julie Hile) last Thursday, and on Monday she brought a home stager (Evelyn) over to our house to help us get it ready to sell. If you've ever seen the show "Sell This House" on HGTV, you know what a stager is. They come in and look at your house from the perspective of a buyer and tell you what to change in order to make the house more appealing.
Evelyn was a nice lady, but by the time she left all my furniture was re-arranged, I had a four page "to do" list and was feeling overwhelmed. Mark and I really wanted to get this house on the market this week, but now it's looking like it won't be until next week - hopefully.
One task that is really daunting is the garage. It's an absolute disaster. While we were interviewing agents a few weeks ago, we had one agent (one of the top 100 agents in Atlanta) tell us not to worry about the garage, that the only one who cares about the garage is the husband, and he doesn't care if it's messy. But when Evelyn went into our garage, she looked at Julie and said, "You CANNOT put this house on the market until you can fit at least one car in this garage." I nearly started crying at that point.
Another huge task is our yard. It's weedy and overgrown. Our to-do list for that is so long, we decided there's no way to handle it but to hire someone to do it all for us.
I stayed home yesterday to work on a bunch of the cleaning/organizing items on our list. I had Mom and my friend Barb come over to help and I guess we got a lot done, but there's still so much to do. Barb's coming over again today to do some touch-up painting for me. I'm totally exhausted, so I stayed home from work again today. At the rate I'm going, I may just have to quit my job altogether. We need the money, but right now time is more precious to us than money.
Mark and I are feeling so under the gun. I guess our big fear is that, with the holidays coming, we're not going to be able to sell our house before my second trimester is over. In which case we'll just stay here. Which is really starting to look like a better option to me. Because all this stress is just too much.


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