Weddings and Pumpkins

We attended the wedding of our friends Jeff and Diane on Saturday night, where my husband not only danced in a conga line (photographic proof to left), but proceeded to dance spastically to various disco songs with Catri and me. God, I love him. I had to bow out after a few songs, though, since bouncing around with a pregnant tummy feels a bit uncomfortable.
I like taking Catri with us to weddings, because she always provides entertainment for me in that lull at the reception before everyone gets there and they open up the buffet line. We sit and video each other with my digital camera doing silly things like dramatically reciting rock song lyrics and such. Wish I could attach a sample here, but I think I have to have the more advanced version of this blog to have video rights.

From left to right:
James' massive head wound "Have a Nice Day" pumpkin (note dramatic use of pumpkin seeds as brain matter oozing from the head)
James' cat pumpkin
Charles' StrongSad the sad pumpkin
Catri's angry pumpkin
I plan on putting Catri's pumpkin by our front door where I'm hoping people will pick up on the message I believe it is sending: "Keep off of my lawn, you bratty kids, and don't even THINK of asking for candy!!"
In other news, pregnancy is hard. The mood swings have kicked in with full force and some days it's all I can do to stop crying for a few hours. Yesterday was like that. To accompany the mood swings, the enemy (aka "Satan") sends me a lot of messages like "You don't deserve this baby; you're not taking good care of it; it's going to die," etc. I'm sure I'm not the only woman to experience this kind of thing, but it sure feels lonely when you're going through it. Your prayers would be appreciated.
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