Our lives lately ...

We're hoping to have the house listed by next Monday (we're interviewing listing agents now), and to be moved into a new house by the end/turn of the year. We're trying to avoid a situation of moving in my third trimester of pregnancy. If we haven't sold/bought by end of January, we'll probably just wait until next fall and try again then. I think we'll be able to move by our deadline, though. Houses in this neighborhood have been selling fast, I think primarily due to it's location (right by the highway). We love this house, but with baby on the way and all, we'd like to have some more space. We want to make sure we have room for out-of-town guests and we also want a basement so we can put in a darkroom.
Anyhow, other than the latest joys of pregnancy (mood swings and nausea, anyone?) the house thing has been consuming our thoughts and time. We're hoping to be able to get away and go camping sometime soon, before the beautiful fall weather turns too cold, but we'll see. We may not have time, since we also have to start looking for a new house - we'd hate to be left homeless. :)
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