Sigh ...
It's hard to keep up with the blog nowadays. I wish I actually had time to write on here, but it's hard with a 6-month old in the house who can actually roll around to where she wants to go now.
And it's too bad, too, because sometimes I have very meaningful and profound things to say. Anyway, for now, you'll just have to join me as I look at these photos and say, "Awwww!"
Charles and Dawn persuaded us to purchase a Nikon D70s digital SLR, and I'm glad we did. We're still learning how to work it, but here are some first photos:
Gwennan in her jumper at Granny's house:
Mommy and Baby in the morning:
Gwennan and Catri swinging in the backyard:
Catri and Gwennan again:
Do you see the resemblance?
We bought a backpack so we could take Gwennan out for walks in the woods. She really likes it:
Altho the rocking motion tends to give this result:
And she's become a really good eater in the past few weeks:
And, TA-DA!! She can sit up now!!!