Absolute Cuteness
LOOK at the cuteness! She's the most beautiful thing EVER! (Okay, I'm a proud mama.)

Thanks to Dawn for the photo. We had a fun photo session with Gwennan last week and this is one of the many wonderful photos that came from it.
Gwennan had her check-up this week: 27 1/2 inches long, 16 lbs, 1 oz. That puts her at 90th percentile for height, 25th percentile for weight. So we have a tall and skinny child, kind of what I was expecting, since Mark and I both were tall and skinny. Until we got to about 30 and it all fell apart.

Thanks to Dawn for the photo. We had a fun photo session with Gwennan last week and this is one of the many wonderful photos that came from it.
Gwennan had her check-up this week: 27 1/2 inches long, 16 lbs, 1 oz. That puts her at 90th percentile for height, 25th percentile for weight. So we have a tall and skinny child, kind of what I was expecting, since Mark and I both were tall and skinny. Until we got to about 30 and it all fell apart.
i love it i love it
she's so beautiful
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