Self Portraits by Gwennan
Gwennan turned a year old this past Friday. One year. It's amazing. She's gone from being a tiny baby to a little person. She's crawling like crazy and standing on her own more and more. It won't be long till she's walking. And she's already talking a little. It's hard to discern, but she says Hi, and what sounds like "How are you?" and Ee-I-Ee-I (from the Old MacDonald song). She sways a little to music, and tries to comb her hair and talk on anything that may vaguely resemble a phone.
I'll post photos from the birthday party we had on Saturday as soon as I get them together.
In the meantime I thought I'd show you some self-portraits. This is done by handing her our old Sony digital camera, pressing the timer while she's playing with it, and seeing what photos turn up. They're pretty darn funny. The first one below is from December. The rest are from about a month ago.

I love this next one. She had her finger on the lens, which caused the camera to over-expose to compensate. You can see Gwennan to the right of her finger.
I'll post photos from the birthday party we had on Saturday as soon as I get them together.
In the meantime I thought I'd show you some self-portraits. This is done by handing her our old Sony digital camera, pressing the timer while she's playing with it, and seeing what photos turn up. They're pretty darn funny. The first one below is from December. The rest are from about a month ago.

I love this next one. She had her finger on the lens, which caused the camera to over-expose to compensate. You can see Gwennan to the right of her finger.