At 2:05 AM last night I officially completed 37 years of being on earth. My stepdad Wayne told me I'm really only 29 - with 8 years of experience. Inside I still feel like I'm 18 - which is to say that I still care a lot about what's going on with Britney Spears and what the latest, hottest band is. I guess you could say I don't feel very "mature". I'm nearly 40 years old, with a husband and a kid and a mortgage, but it feels like I'm just "playing grown-up" still. Which is not to say that I don't take being a wife and mother seriously, I just don't feel like I'm very good at it. I wonder if that sensation ever goes away. Probly not.
Tonight Mark and I are dressing up and going on a birthday date at our fave restaurant,
Simpatico on Marietta Square. We're living a pretty financially tight lifestyle these days, so we only go to Simpatico on special occasions, but we just love that place. Never had a bad meal there. I highly recommend it if you're looking for someplace nice like
Houston's without the 2-hour Houston's wait for a table.
Poor Mark, he gets hit with the double-whammy every February - my birthday and then Valentine's the very next day. I always tell him he doesn't have to make a big deal out of either, but he always does. I guess he loves me. :o)
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!