Catri's little sister

Catri, however, has been hoping for a baby girl from the beginning. She wants to be the "cool big sister", and to have a little sister she can help take care of, play with, take shopping, etc. She wants to have a little sister look up to her and admire her and to get excited every time Catri comes over. She would have loved a baby brother too, I'm sure, but I think she felt she would bond more with a baby sister. Catri is such a people person - she can't stand being alone and wants to be in the same room with someone at all times. I think in a way she's been pretty lonely most of her life, because here she is, this complete people person, with no siblings to play with or bond with. She's alone. I think that's why she loves going to Seattle so much - she's got lots of cousins, including many girl cousins near her age. When we go out there, we actually don't see Catri much. She takes off with Rachel, Laura, and Marta and we see her again at the airport when we go home. And she's usually always sad to leave them.
All that being said, I was thinking the other day about how much God loves Catri. Because I just really feel like this baby girl is for HER, more than me. I mean, of course this child is a gift to me - a token of God's love and care for my heart and the desires therein, but it didn't matter to me really whether it was a boy or girl. The fact that it IS a girl I am convinced is God's gift to Catri - proof from God that yes, Catri, he hears the cries and desires of your heart, and they are IMPORTANT to him. YOU are important to him. So here's the baby sister you've always wanted. And yes, she is going to LOVE you. Who doesn't??
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