Cats and Young Life "Kids"
When Mark and I started dating, and then got engaged, and then got married, he increasingly let it be known that he was not crazy about the fact that I have two cats (Frankie and Olly). It was a source of tension between us for a while, but he never asked me to get rid of them. Mark claims that he has never been an "animal person." He claims never to have had a longing for any type of pet and says he's still not really crazy about the cats. He says, "Animals belong outside." Sometimes I will refer to Mark as "Daddy" when talking to the cats: "Olly, go see Daddy." To which Mark always says, "I'm not his father."
Now, see photos below.

Now, I'm not saying that Mark is lying. I'm just saying that, whereas Mark may not be an "animal person", apparently the cats are "Mark people." Despite his gruffness, they still love being in his lap. Part of that might be because he gives them really rough rub downs (see last photo). I would never pet them that roughly - and when I try they get annoyed with me - but coming from Mark they LOVE IT.
So, is Mark an "animal person"? You decide.
In other news ...
Mark and I went to a Christmas party Thursday night with some old friends that I only see about once a year, if that. Most of these people I know because once upon a time (over 10 years ago now), I was their "leader". That makes me laugh when I think about it now, because I was such an emotional/psychological disaster at that time (only slightly improved now). But anyway, I was a volunteer leader with a ministry called Young Life, an outreach ministry to high school kids. I was assigned to McEachern High School, where I met all these fine people. They were some of the most interesting, eclectic, zany people I had ever met, and I felt so privileged that they let me into their lives. They're still interesting, eclectic, and zany, but what blows me away is that they're all grown up. I guess I'll always think of them as my "kids", even though most of them are married with kids of their own at this point. Heck, one of them (Daniel - unfortunately he didn't make it to the party) is the pastor of this very cool church in Louisville (Sojourn Community Church), another one (Jason) is a brain surgeon (NOT kidding), one (Rob) is a wine distributor, one (Jennifer) got married and lives in London now, and another one (Amanda) lives this cool alterna-life on a farm in Tennessee with her psychologist husband. Talk about all grown up. It amazes me how they've all turned out. Amazes me how God works in people's lives to grow them up and into Himself. I guess that includes me, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

Rob the wine guy, Jason the brain surgeon, and Mark the husband ;o)

Amanda the farmer and me with our pregnant tummies (Amanda's second child, due in February)

Jennifer the Londoner
Now, see photos below.

Now, I'm not saying that Mark is lying. I'm just saying that, whereas Mark may not be an "animal person", apparently the cats are "Mark people." Despite his gruffness, they still love being in his lap. Part of that might be because he gives them really rough rub downs (see last photo). I would never pet them that roughly - and when I try they get annoyed with me - but coming from Mark they LOVE IT.
So, is Mark an "animal person"? You decide.
In other news ...
Mark and I went to a Christmas party Thursday night with some old friends that I only see about once a year, if that. Most of these people I know because once upon a time (over 10 years ago now), I was their "leader". That makes me laugh when I think about it now, because I was such an emotional/psychological disaster at that time (only slightly improved now). But anyway, I was a volunteer leader with a ministry called Young Life, an outreach ministry to high school kids. I was assigned to McEachern High School, where I met all these fine people. They were some of the most interesting, eclectic, zany people I had ever met, and I felt so privileged that they let me into their lives. They're still interesting, eclectic, and zany, but what blows me away is that they're all grown up. I guess I'll always think of them as my "kids", even though most of them are married with kids of their own at this point. Heck, one of them (Daniel - unfortunately he didn't make it to the party) is the pastor of this very cool church in Louisville (Sojourn Community Church), another one (Jason) is a brain surgeon (NOT kidding), one (Rob) is a wine distributor, one (Jennifer) got married and lives in London now, and another one (Amanda) lives this cool alterna-life on a farm in Tennessee with her psychologist husband. Talk about all grown up. It amazes me how they've all turned out. Amazes me how God works in people's lives to grow them up and into Himself. I guess that includes me, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

Rob the wine guy, Jason the brain surgeon, and Mark the husband ;o)

Amanda the farmer and me with our pregnant tummies (Amanda's second child, due in February)

Jennifer the Londoner
I feel a bit weird posting but I hit the "next blog" button from my site and there you were.
Just wanted to say it looks like you had a great Christmas with both your immediate family and your church family (As did I/we).
You wouldn't know it from my blog because it is a spin off of my web business but my Christmas was much the same. Good old fashioned family time and a bit of Church ( if you're curious.)
Anyway. Good night. Merry Christmas and happy new year.
My mom always acts like she doesn't like the cat or the dog. But I think she secretly likes having them around...
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