Rest in Peace, sweet Frank

My cat Frankie died this morning. (Read post below to know what happened to him.) Mark and I woke up with Frank at about 4 AM this morning and he was yowling, in severe pain, and wouldn't take any water or anything. His breathing was rough and I knew he just wasn't going to make it. The trauma of the past few days was just too much for him. I was going to take him to the vet this morning to be put down, but he was dead by the time we got back up (around 7).
I feel so bad for the little guy. He suffered so badly. I'm kind of mad at the vet for not suggesting that he be put down in the first place. Instead he suggested stitching him up, which at the time I knew sounded futile, but I guess I was hoping he would make it. But I think Frankie's injuries were just too severe. Those dogs had really ripped him up all over. He should have been put down right away, but instead we stitched him up and prolonged his suffering another 3 days.
Oh, and the Animal Control officer came to my house yesterday to take a report. He said that it's against the law in Cobb County to have a cat loose outside. He didn't issue me a citation, but said that if I had known whose dogs attacked Frankie, that not only their owners would've received a citation, but me too. I thought that was ridiculous. Frankie was on our property, and what kind of idiot makes it against the law to let your cat outside?
All my neighbors let their cats out too. I'm sure they don't know it's illegal.
Anyway, we're down to one cat now - Olly. I'm tempted to just find a good home for Olly and live cat-free from now on. In the past few years I've lost 4 cats and it's just too hard to deal with anymore. Either I'll find a home for him or when we move (at the end of the month), I'll just convert him to an indoor cat. Not that that would prevent anything from happening to him, really, but maybe it would help a little.
I am so sorry!
What a terrible story. I am heartbroken for you. I am sure Shadow amd Figaro welcomed him with open arms.
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