Our cats, Frankie and Olly, like to go outside. They can be so annoying, crying at the door to go out, we just let them out whenever they want, which sometimes includes the middle of the night.
On Tuesday morning, around 4:00 AM, I woke up to what I thought was the baby making noise. I kept hearing a distant "eh, eh, eh" and thought it was her. After a minute of listening, though, I realized it wasn't her, but a dog. I thought, "Some neighbor's stupid dog won't stop barking." After another minute or so, I thought, "Gosh, that sounds really close" and got up to investigate. Once I got into our living room, I realized the sound was coming from right outside our front door. I flipped on the light, opened the door and started yelling. Three stray dogs had Frankie surrounded in the bushes by our front door. My yelling ran them off, and I could hear Frankie in the bushes, growling. I started calling to him to come in, and he slowly crept out from the bushes. He was limping pretty badly and trailing blood into our house. He went straight into Catri's bathroom and I put some old towels out for him to lie down on.
The dogs had ripped him open in several places, the worst of which was on his abdomen, down near his penis. I didn't think he would make it through what was left the night, but I knew I couldn't afford to take him to the 24 hour emergency vet. I really thought he would be dead by the time my vet opened at 8:30.
Luckily, he did survive, and the vet had to do surgery and sew him up in several places all over his body. He's recovering now, but I don't think he's out of the woods. He's not really moving much, except for his head and occasionally his front paws. The vet said his legs were not broken, but because of the location of the lacerations, it might be too painful for him to move his back legs much right now. He's not eating yet, and I'm using a syringe to force some water into him. I have to take him back to the vet today to see if they can get some nourishment in him.
Unfortunately there isn't much in the way of pain medicine that you can give a cat. Most pain medications are toxic to them. I'm giving him what the vet gave me for him, though, even though it may not make a big difference.
Poor little Frankie. He always kicked the crap out of any cats that came into our yard, but he didn't have a chance against three dogs.
On Tuesday morning, around 4:00 AM, I woke up to what I thought was the baby making noise. I kept hearing a distant "eh, eh, eh" and thought it was her. After a minute of listening, though, I realized it wasn't her, but a dog. I thought, "Some neighbor's stupid dog won't stop barking." After another minute or so, I thought, "Gosh, that sounds really close" and got up to investigate. Once I got into our living room, I realized the sound was coming from right outside our front door. I flipped on the light, opened the door and started yelling. Three stray dogs had Frankie surrounded in the bushes by our front door. My yelling ran them off, and I could hear Frankie in the bushes, growling. I started calling to him to come in, and he slowly crept out from the bushes. He was limping pretty badly and trailing blood into our house. He went straight into Catri's bathroom and I put some old towels out for him to lie down on.
The dogs had ripped him open in several places, the worst of which was on his abdomen, down near his penis. I didn't think he would make it through what was left the night, but I knew I couldn't afford to take him to the 24 hour emergency vet. I really thought he would be dead by the time my vet opened at 8:30.
Luckily, he did survive, and the vet had to do surgery and sew him up in several places all over his body. He's recovering now, but I don't think he's out of the woods. He's not really moving much, except for his head and occasionally his front paws. The vet said his legs were not broken, but because of the location of the lacerations, it might be too painful for him to move his back legs much right now. He's not eating yet, and I'm using a syringe to force some water into him. I have to take him back to the vet today to see if they can get some nourishment in him.
Unfortunately there isn't much in the way of pain medicine that you can give a cat. Most pain medications are toxic to them. I'm giving him what the vet gave me for him, though, even though it may not make a big difference.
Poor little Frankie. He always kicked the crap out of any cats that came into our yard, but he didn't have a chance against three dogs.

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