Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gratuitous Cute Toddler Photos – Late Summer Edition

Gwennan is growing up fast. She's developing a personality that has some striking similarities to mine and Mark's. This worries us.

She's learning new words all the time. She says "thank you" (more like "tan too") a lot, but she hasn't quite grasped what it means. When I give her something, and request she say "thank you," she looks at me like, "whatever" and walks away. But when she wants something from you, she says, "tan too" in a way that's more suggestive of "gimme." I'm trying to teach her the word for this is "please," but we're still working on that.

Another word she picked up is "shoe". She knows what shoes are, and she'll bring her shoes to you to put on her, saying "shoe!" But for some reason, she also calls the phone "shoe". Not sure where that came from.

She also says "off", but she doesn't really know what that means either. We taught her how to work light switches, holding her while she turns the lights off and on, which fascinates her. As she's doing it, we say, "Off! On! Off! On!" The word she grasped is "off" and now that's what she thinks lights are. Whether they're on or off, she points at lamps and ceiling lights and street lights and says, "Off!"

She has started climbing things more and has learned how to make her way up onto the dining chairs.

We sometimes throw a phone book under her and let her eat her meals this way, if they're not too messy.

She's learning how to feed herself ...

as well as her toy, "Creepy Cat" (called thus by Mark and me because its eyes to seem to follow you. Uhhhhhh.)

She's taken to sticking things in her ears, which is worrisome ...

and she's also learned to multi-task, taking important calls on her cell phone while eating lunch.

Finally, a few shots that just show how gorgeous she is. I've never seen a kid so beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gwennan - you are growing so tall! And you look just like your mommy! Looking at your pictures makes me smile, sweet girl!

Hugs to you!
Dana diLorenzo

12:03 AM  

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